Ranveer Singh, as is usual, set the stage on fire at a screening of the much-awaited film on the Indian cricket team of 1983, titled ‘83’, in Mumbai on Wednesday. The video, which shows Ranveer grooving to the beats of co-star Harrdy Sandhu’s new song, Bijlee Bijlee, along with the actor-singer and former Indian cricket team captain Krishnamachari Srikkanth, has now gone viral and is taking the internet by storm.
The actor was later joined by his wife Deepika Padukone, and the couple went on to light up the grand premiere of ‘83’, which released in theatres on Friday.
For those unfamiliar with the film, ‘83’ tells the story of the Indian cricket team’s first World Cup win in 1983. The Kapil Dev-led outfit beat the West Indies in the finals to seal the victory and lift India’s first World Cup. The film stars Ranveer as Kapil Dev and Deepika as his wife, Romi Bhatia. The star-studded film also features Pankaj Tripathi as PR Man Singh, Jiiva as Srikkanth, Tahir Raj Bhasin as Sunil Gavaskar, and Harrdy Sandhu as Madan Lal. Kapil Dev himself too makes a cameo as a spectator.
As one would expect, the grand premiere was attended by several members of the 1983 World Cup squad, including the captain, Sunil Gavaskar, Dilip Vengsarkar, Sandeep Patil, Madan Lal, Syed Kirmani, Ravi Shastri, Roger Binny, Kirti Azad, and Balwinder Singh Sandhu, most of whom attended the event with their families.
The grand premiere was also graced by the who’s who of Bollywood, with celebs such as Alia Bhatt, Janhvi Kapoor, Karan Johar, Richa Chadha, Swara Bhaskar, Huma Qureshi, Arshad Warsi, Sayani Gupta, Ayushmann Khurrana also present.
The film, which was initially scheduled for release in June, was delayed due to rising COVID-19 cases. Now that it has been released, it has received largely positive reviews so far, and promises to be a treat for fans of the sport.