Indian dairy brand Amul on Thursday threw its two cents into the seemingly big bucket of celebrations for %u2018Friends: The Reunion%u2019 on social media. Marking the return of the hugely popular sitcom, Amul created a cartoon consisting of the six characters in the show, Rachel (Jennifer Aniston), Monica (Courtney Cox), Phoebe (Lisa Kudrow), Ross (David Schwimmer), Chandler (Matthew Perry) and Joey (Matt Leblanc).
Posted on Amul%u2019s Instagram account, the picture sees the six friends looking eagerly at two blocks of butter, with the text %u2018A must at reunions%u2019 on top of the photo.
Also read: Much anticipated ‘Friends: The Reunion’ is here: 10 best moments from the episode
Below the company%u2019s logo down towards the bottom of the picture, on the other hand, the text %u2018Have with B.R.E.A.D!%u201D is clearly visible, in a witty play imitating the classic title card of the show.
#Amul Topical: Reunion special of sitcom series %u2018Friends%u2019!%u201D, the post was captioned.
The sitcom first aired in 1994, running for 10 straight seasons, and by now has transformed into a pop culture phenomenon in the social media landscape.
Also read: Homophobia, lack of diversity: Criticism ‘Friends’ faced over the years
The shows follows the six characters, all of whom have their own quirks as well as backstories, as they live their lives in New York City and meet on a regular basis in a fictional coffee shop called Central Perk.
The Reunion episode saw huge hype on social media platforms, and is streaming on Zee5 and HBO Max.
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