TV Actor Anita Hassanandani and husband Rohit Reddy took to Instagram on Thursday to announce the birth of their first child. Blessed with a baby boy, the couple couldn’t have been happier. We got to the see first glance of the baby on Thursday when Rohit Reddy posted a picture on his Instagram story.
Hassanandani gave birth on February 9. Prior to this, she was given a grand baby shower by Ekta Kapoor, Karishma Tanna, Krystle D’Souza, Sanaya Irani and others.
The couple has been regularly posting fun updates, pictures and videos on their social media accounts showcasing Anita with her baby bump.
Here are some of Anita and Rohit’s previous’s posts! Aren’t pictures and videos just adorable?
Anita is a popular face on Indian daily soaps. She has done roles in shows like Ye Hai Mohabbatein’, ‘Kavyanjali’, and ‘Kabhi Sautan Kabhi Sahelii’.
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