Sulking Gujarat Congress leader Hardik Patel on Wednesday said that he resigned from Congress party. Recently, Patel had not attend the three-day brainstorming session of the Congress top brass in Udaipur and instead had met the Patidar community’s influential leader Naresh Patel and requested him to take a call regarding joining politics at the earliest.
In a tweet, Hardik Patel said, “Today, I courageously resign from the post of Congress Party and primary membership of the party. I am sure that my decision will be welcomed by all my colleagues and the people of Gujarat. I believe that after this step of mine, I will be able to work really positively for Gujarat in future.”
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Earlier, Patel and other Patidar agitation leaders Alpesh Kathiria and Dinesh Bambhania met Naresh Patel in Saurashtra on May 15. The meeting had assumed significance over Hardik to part ways with the Congress party ahead of the crucial Assembly polls in Gujarat.
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The 28-year old leader has been sulking with the Congress party leadership while publicly hitting out at the State leaders for not allowing him and other youth leaders to work in the party set up.
When the Congress brainstorming session was underway in Udaipur, Patel in a series of Television interviews questioned the party’s leadership saying he and others felt frustrated as the party did not allow him and others to work against the ruling party.
Patel was last seen with Congress leaders on May 10 when Rahul Gandhi held a tribal convention in Dahod. In it, Rahul Gandhi had showered praises on another youth leader, prominent Dalit activist Jignesh Mevani.