Bollywood actor Alia Bhatt on Sunday wrapped up the shooting of her upcoming release ‘Gangubai Kathiawadi‘. She called her working with veteran director Sanjay Leela Bhansali ‘gigantic life-changing experience’. Starring Alia in the titular role, Gangubai is going to be Alia’s first film with Bhansali.
Sharing the pictures with Bhansali and the crew from the film’s set, Alia wrote a long heartfelt note for the director on Instagram, “Gangubai Kathiawadi has been through a journey of extreme highs and lows, from two cyclones (Nisarga in 2020 and Tauktae, last month) to coronavirus-induced lockdowns.”
“We started shooting ‘Gangubai’ on the 8th of December 2019 and we wrapped the film now two years later! This film and set has been through two lockdowns, two cyclones, director and actor getting COVID during the making! The troubles the set has faced is another film all together,” the actor wrote.
“What I take away is the gigantic life changing experience! Being directed by sir has been a dream all my life, but I don’t think anything would have prepared me for the journey I was on for these two years…” Bhatt said she walks out of the set a different person today.
I love you sir! Thank you for being you… There is truly no one like you,” the “Gully Boy” star wrote.
Talking about her character, Bhatt said, “”When a film ends a part of you ends with it! Today I’ve lost a part of me… Gangu I love you! You will be missed.”
The subject of the film is based on the life of Gangubai Kathiwadi one of the most powerful, loved, and respected madams from Kamathipura, Mumbai’s red-light area, during the 1960s.
The film is an adaptation from one of the chapters of noted author Hussain Zaidi’s book ‘Mafia Queens of Mumbai’.
As far as the release of the film is concerned, the release date has yet not been clarified in view of COVID-19 situation in the country. The makers have earlier announced July 30 as the release date, which seems highly unlikely now.
Bhansali is co-producing “Gangubai Kathiawadi” with producer Jayantilal Gada’s Pen India Limited.