India approved its first homegrown COVID-19 vaccine, Covaxin, developed by Bharat Biotech on January 3. The company has applied to the World Health Organization (WHO) for the emergency use listing in April. The delay in this process has now become a concern amongst Indians planning to travel abroad in the coming future.
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Here is all you need to know about the status of international usage of the vaccine as well as how its authorisation by the WHO affects Indian travellers.
What is Covaxin?
Covaxin is India’s first indigenous vaccine developed by Bharat Biotech in collaboration with the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) to be used against coronavirus in the country. According to the developers, Covaxin is created using Whole-Virion Inactivated Vero Cell-derived platform technology.
Why are Indian travellers concerned by the WHO approval of Covaxin?
Since Covaxin has not yet been approved by any of the major nations where Indians usually travel for work and education purposes, there is a strong perception among travellers that the beneficiaries of Covaxin may not be allowed to travel to these countries.
Also Read: Centre to outsource COVID vaccines, discuss shortage with WHO: Reports
According to data, less than 10 nations have officially approved the Covaxin while most countries recognise only Covishield as the required vaccine for passengers coming from India.
Does this mean Indians who have received Covaxin won’t be allowed in major countries?
No, this does not mean that countries like the US, UK and Canada among others will not let the Covaxin receivers in. The vaccine is expected to receive authorisation in the aforementioned countries soon.
However, since many countries have now resorted to the practice of vaccine passports, which means incoming passengers’ vaccination status will be scrutinized. The absence of Covaxin in the WHO approved list, will require them to undergo mandatory hotel quarantines for a minimum of two weeks straight from the airport.
What is the status of Covaxin usage on the global level?
So far, the Covaxin makers have applied for emergency use listing to WHO and European Union. The WHO has asked for more details on the vaccine the paperwork of which will be submitted in June by Bharat BioTech.
According to PTI, the vaccine has received regulatory approval in 11 countries. The drug’s approval is also under process in over 60 countries overall including the USA, Brazil and Hungary among others.