Liger stars actor Vijay Deverakonda and Ananya Panday. The movie is written and directed by Puri Jagannadh and produced by Dharma Productions and Puri Connects. The budget of the movie is Rs 160 crores, according to Wikipedia.
According to IndiaToday, Vijay Deverakonda charged Rs 20-25 crore. Trade analyst, Ramesh Bala in an interview with India Today mentioned, “I heard that the budget of Liger was pegged at around Rs 90 crore. And Vijay Deverakonda charged somewhere between Rs 20-25 crore since it’s a Telugu-Hindi bilingual. Since Liger marks his Bollywood debut and with Karan Johar’s Dharma Productions on board, this seems like a solid number for a debut (Hindi) actor.”
Ramesh Bala also mentioned that if Liger ends up becoming another Pushpa, RRR or KGF 2 then Vijay Deverakonda could share the profits with the three. “Right now, they have promoted the film for 40 days across the country and it has generated great buzz. If the content is decent to above average, Liger will be the next big film”, he added.”
Also Read: Ananya Panday’s net worth: Source of wealth explained
The lead actress, Ananya Panday has been paid Rs 3 crore according to News18. Reports also suggest that Ramya Krishnan and Ronit Roy have both charged 1 crore each for their roles in Liger.
The movie has done remarkable pre-release business also. The movie minted Rs 10 crores in the Hindi belt, while in South states the movie has collected Rs 38 crores in pre-release business, according to News18.
The movie is released in several languages including Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu and Hindi. The film stars former heavyweight boxer Mike Tyson, Ramya Krishnan, and Ronit Roy.
Also Read: Mumbai to Los Angeles: ‘Liger’ shooting locations
The first glimpse of the movie was released on December 31, 2021. The official trailer of the film was released on July 21, 2022. The satellite rights of the movie have been acquired by Star India Network while the digital rights for the streaming have been acquired by Disney+ Hotstar.