Punjab Chief Minister Amarinder Singh and Navjot Singh Sidhu, the warring leaders of state Congress, appear to have buried the hatchet, for now. The two came together at a tea party hosted for the MLAs by the Chief Minister on Friday morning and sat next to each other, engaging in some conversation.
“Ahead of his swearing-in as new @INCPunjab president, @sherryontopp meets CM @capt_amarinder during the tea hosted by the latter. Flanking the CM is @harishrawatcmuk,” tweeted Raveen Thukral, the media advisor to Amarinder Singh.
Also read: Why Navjot Sidhu vs Amarinder Singh may cost Congress an easy state
In the second tweet, sharing the photos of the two leaders together, Thukral wrote, “Getting ready for the installation of the new @INCPunjab team, @sherryontopp with CM @capt_amarinder.” The photos showed the two leader, dressed in contrasting maroon and white kurtas, engrossed in conversation. The two reportedly later left for the Congress office for Sidhu to formally take over as Congress chief.
The Congress, after months of turmoil in its Punjab unit, finally named Sidhu, 57, as the state Congress chief and also picked four working presidents. The move was meant to stem the infighting in the state unit that manifested itself in public duels between him and Amarinder Singh, 79.
But Singh had made clear his unhappiness over Sidhu’s elevation and had conveyed the same to party president Sonia Gandhi. With the two leaders making a public apperanace together, the mess seems to have been sorted out for now. But, analysts say the fight is far from over. It may just have moved from social media and public platforms to shadow-boxing. That the battlelines have grown deeper can be gauged from statements and posturing by the two factions.
Going by the posturing, the Congress’s Punjab headache is far from over. With polls just a few months away, all eyes are on the two leaders to see what message is conveyed to the grassroots workers. Sidhu, a celebrity and a star orator, is not a grassroots politician. It will be interesting to note how he will keep the party together. His role as a PCC chief is crucial in the run-up to the elections.
Analysts also feel that Singh, who humbled the Badals, is in a very strong position to deliver the state to the Congress. But, how Sidhu’s elevation plays out with his supporters and what kind of message the Captain conveys to them, will hold the key.