Bollywood actress Ananya Panday promoted her movie Liger with her co-star Vijay Deverakonda. Ananya Panday’s fashion choices during the film promotions are winning a lot of hearts. From lehenga choli sets to monotone pieces to boss babe power suits, Ananya Padany has worn it all while promoting the sports drama film.
The actress is styled by Megan Concessio aka the Spacemuffin. Here is a roundup of Ananya Panday’s fashion serves from Liger’s promotions.
1. Tenniscore look
The actress opted for a knitted spongy crop top with chic white collar detail and a mini skirt by Parisian brand Elleme. With pointy cream-hued pumps which have a tinge of lime green in them, Christian Louboutin can be credited on the footwear front.
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2. Blue bodycon dress look
The actress donned a blue bodycon dress by a British brand Galvan London. The dress enhanced Ananya’s silhouette with its bold lacing, a demure cutout and the cute little tie-up detail looping around her neck up to the midriff. Her dress is worth Rs 95,567. She paired the dress with blue Louboutin heels in a similar shade. Ananya opted for wavy hair, a bit of lip gloss, a dewy base and kohl-lined eyes.
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3. All black look
The actress showed up in ethnic wear, wearing a black lehenga by Ritika Mirchandani. The deep neck and gold decals embellished uniformly, the choli style blouse was complemented with an organza dupatta. The actress ditched heavy jewellery and favoured a pair of golden danglers. She opted for dewy makeup, smoky eyes, nude lip shade, highlighter and gently curled hair.
4. The fusion look
The actress donned Manish Malhotra’s indigo-violet fusion set with a sleeveless cape that drapes around the body. The crop top with embroidered flowers was paired with similar high waist palazzo pants. Statement earrings with a statement necklace, bracelet and ring helped her complete the look. Her hair was open in gentle waves. She opted for smoky eyes, a glossy pink lip shade and mascara powdered eyelashes.
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5. Desi Girl look
Ananya Panday donned an ethereal Anita Dongre lehenga in the beige nude with minimal embroidery. The lehenga had intricate mirror work. She chose jewels by Paksha & Curio Cottage. The actress opted for a nude makeup look with wavy hair.