Sports Minister Kiren Rijiju shared a video of two soldier dancing on a folk song near Ladak’s Pangong Lake on March 28. The video has gained a lot of attention on social media. While sharing the video, Rijiju wrote, “It feels great whenever soldiers enjoy! Brave Indian army Gorkha jawans and Jawan and colleagues with full music at Pangong lake in Ladakh.”
People started commenting on the 34-second viral video as soon as it was posted and has gained over 14, 200 likes. The video has been retweeted more than 2,000 times in less than a period of 48 hours.
Some Twitter user commented and highlighted the fact that how soldiers deserve some kind of entertainment in the tough time as they protect the country from external force.
Another Twitter user wrote how proud he is of his father, who was in the para-military force.
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In February, another video of an Indian soldier named Sam K Daniel went viral, where he was seen playing the drum. Everyone was grooving on his tunes and he gained everyone’s attention.