Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Saturday said that the state government is especially worried about children, and appealed to the Centre and experts to bring vaccines or find alternatives to safeguard children against COVID. Further, the Delhi CM demanded 2.6 crore vaccine doses in the next three months for the people of Delhi.
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Kejriwal said that vaccination drive was going on in full swing but the capital city has vaccine doses to vaccinate people only for the next 5-6 days and would demanded adequate amount of doses from the Centre.
He added, “Delhi is currently administering one lakh vaccine doses per day and it could increase this number to three lakh.” The Aam Aadmi Party chief said that Delhi has received 40 lakh vaccine doses and would require around three crore doses in order to vaccinate all.
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Currently, COVID vaccinations are taking place in 100 centres across Delhi and the centres could be increased to 250-300 once enough vaccine doses are available, Kejriwal said in an online briefing.
The chief minister also urged the Centre to provide 85 lakh vaccine doses every month for the next three months to ensure vaccination for all in Delhi. In the online briefing, Kejriwal added that people from NCR cities like Faridabad, Gurgaon and Ghaziabad were also coming to Delhi to get vaccinated, so, more vaccine doses might be required.