Bollywood actor Ananya Panday was on Thursday summoned by the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) in the drugs-on-cruise case in which Shah Rukh Khan’s son Aryan Khan was arrested earlier this month. However, a official with the agency said summoning her doesn’t mean she is a suspect.
The 22-year-old actor was questioned for two hours in connection with the case. She has been called in for questioning again at 11 am tomorrow. According to reports, her home was raided and her laptop and cell phone were seized.
“Just because she was summoned doesn’t mean she is a suspect. This is a part of the investigation,” an NCB official said, NDTV reported.
Also Read | Aryan Khan case: Ananya Panday’s mobile phone, laptop seized by NCB
Ananya Panday’s name was allegedly found in the WhatsApp chats of one of the accused in the case.
Aryan Khan was taken into custody on October 3 in connection with a drug seizure on a cruise ship off the Mumbai coast. His case is based entirely on his WhatsApp chats as no drugs were reportedly found on him. He has been in jail since October 8. A Mumbai court on Wednesday denied her bail yesterday saying his WhatsApp chat revealed his involvement in “illicit drug activities.”
He has been charged with violations of the NDPS Act’s Sections 8(c), 20(b), 27, 28, 29, and 35 along with others. His lawyer has taken to the Bombay High Court to challenge the lower court’s verdict on his bail plea. It is scheduled to be heard on October 26.
Also Read | What is Ananya Panday’s relationship with Aryan Khan?
Meanwhile, earlier in the day, Shah Rukh Khan went to meet Aryanat the Arthur Road Jail. A video of the actor leaving the prison surfaced on social media in which he was seen greeting fans with folded hands as journalists question him on what he spoke about with his son.