Bollywood actor Sunil Shetty has come to the defense of Aryan Khan after he was detained by the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) during a raid on a cruise ship off the coast in Maharashtra’s capital Mumbai. Aryan Khan, Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan‘s son, is among eight people who were detained on Sunday following the NCB’s alleged drug bust on the Goa-bound cruise ship, Press Trust of India reports. Social media sites are abuzz with purported pictures and videos of Aryan Khan’s detention. Speaking at an event, Shetty said media reports regarding Aryan’s detention were based on assumption.
Also Read | NCB raids cruise ship, Bollywood actor’s son likely among those detained: Reports
“When a raid is conducted at a place, many people are taken into custody. We assume that this particular boy or that particular boy must have consumed it (drugs). The process is on. Let’s give that child a breather. Let real reports come out,” Shetty said.
The actor said Bollywood is always under media scrutiny. ” Give that child an opportunity until the real reports come out,” he said.
Sameer Wankhede, NCB zonal director, said that the bureau has refused to comment on the presence of any celebrity among the detainees. The raid took place on Cordelia Cruises’ Empress ship which was inaugurated two weeks ago. NCB officials had received a tip-off and entered the ship under cover. Once the ship left the coast of Mumbai, a rave party started, according to an India Today report. NCB officials detained a number of people who were allegedly found consuming illegal drugs openly. Wankhede earlier probed Rhea Chakraborty’s involvement in the high-profile drug case that engulfed Bollywood following actor Sushant Singh Rajput’s death.
Aryan, 23, recently completed a degree in in filmmaking and writing from University of Southern California. He has acted as a child artist in films such as Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham. He also voiced the role of Simba in The Lion King (2019).