On Wednesday morning, the National Stock Exchange tweeted that their trading has been halted due to technical glitches in their system. The live price quotes of spot Nifty and Nifty Bank have been stuck on the same figures at which they had closed on Tuesday.

“We are working on restoring the systems as soon as possible. In view of the above, all the segments have been closed at 11:40 and will be restored as soon as the issue is resolved”, NSE tweeted out on Wednesday morning.

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As time went by and traders became more impatient, they took to Twitter to express themselves through memes. However, it is not just the common people who have been reacting through memes. Virendra Sehwag also took to the microblogging platform to share a very funny meme, quoting Paresh Rawal from ‘Phir Hera Pheri’.

Other traders have also joined the bandwagon of memes taking hilarious digs on the incident. However, some were also concerned as there is a lot of money at stake.

Others, however, realised that the best way to deal with a crisis is humour. Thus, there is a beautiful collection of memes that are now appearing on Twitter as traders are waiting for the markets to reopen.

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NSE halted trading since 11:40 on Wednesday morning and are yet to officially declare when are they going to resume.