Krafton, the makers of Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) announced that it will be hosting a launch party event on July 8 and 9. In a YouTube video, the developer shared the details of the event. Eighteen teams, including Mortal, Ghatak and Dynamo will be participating. The winner of the event will receive Rs 6 lakh.

Also read: Battlegrounds Mobile India: All changes made in the beta version 


Krafton has taken more than six months to make a comeback in the Indian markets and it intends to launch in style. Hence, the game developer is oragnising a two-day launch party.

As shown in the video, 18 teams from India will battle to win a cash prize of Rs 6 lakh. The event will be held on July 8 and 9.  These teams will be led by the country’s top streamers – Dynamo, Mortal, K18, Kronten, Godnixon, Ghatak, Shreeman Legend, Maxtern, Bandookbaz, Clash Universe, and more.

Also read: Battlegrounds Mobile India launch: 5 things to know

The matches will be streamed live on Battlegrounds Mobile India’s official Facebook and YouTube channel. However, the format and the timings of the event have not been announced yet. 

Popular gaming streamer Scout believes that this tournament excludes opportunities for underdog players. However, he added that the Launch Party event means that Esports enthusiasts can start grinding again and qualify to play against the best teams. It is just to create the hype for the major BGMI Esports tournaments that are coming soon.

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Here is the list of streamers who will participate in the event:

1. Dynamo

2. Team Kronten (Kronten)

3. MortaL

4. Gaming Guru

5. Classified YT

6. Antaryami

7. K18

8. Alpha Clasher

9. Snax

10. Sangwan

11. GodNixon

12. Team Ghatak (Ghatak)

13. Ronak

14. Shreeman Legend

15. Maxtern

16. Jonathan

17. Bandookbaaz

18. Clash Universe

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