Online multiplayer game ‘Battleground Mobile India‘ officially launched in India on Friday. The game is a revamped version of the popular battle royale game “PUBG‘, which was banned in India last year after the Galwan Valley standoff involving the Indian and Chinese armies.
The beta version of the game has been available for download since June 17. The game went live for pre-registration on May 18, 2021 and over 40 million had pre-registered as of Friday.
The stable version launched on Friday is currently available only for Android users. There is no confirmation about the game’s release for iOS users.
How to download:
If you have the beta version of the game on your Android device, just download and install the latest update patch to upgrade to the latest stable build.
If you don’t have the beta version, you can simply visit Google Play store and download the game.
Also Read | Battlegrounds Mobile India launch: 5 things to know
Battlegrounds Mobile India requires a device running Android 5.1.1 or above and with at least 2GB RAM.
Krafton, the game’s South Korean developer has announced a number of launch events with specific rewards to celebrate the launch of the game.
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1. Players will be rewarded with a permanent purple outfit for the ‘India Ka Battlegrounds’ event.
2. Players will receive supply crate coupons upon signing up, as well as when the game hits the 1 million and 5 million downloads-mark.
3. Upon reaching 10 million downloads, players will be rewarded with the ‘Constable Set’ until August 19.
More events and rewards, including ‘Weekend Vibes’, ‘Celebration Time’ ‘Friends for Life’ and other, will be announced by Krafton soon.