Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed a rally in poll-bound West Bengal‘s Kharagpur on Saturday. He received a warm welcome amid chants of Jai Shree Ram. PM Modi called BJP the “only real party of Bengal” and went on to accuse West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee of looting people. 

Addressing the rally, PM Modi said, “It’s my honour that you have come to bless BJP in such huge numbers, this clearly suggests ‘Bengal mei iss baar BJP sarkar'”.

He went on to say that BJP will improve health services in Kharagpur, ensure that all villages have roads, and also “supply water to each household via pipes”. 

“We want to brighten the future of Bengal. Both Centre and Bengal need the same BJP engine for development,” PM Modi added. 

He also took a dig at Mamata Banerjee and said her party (TMC) only “looted the state” for 10 years. PM Modi went on to say that she”stands like a wall to block central schemes”. 

“You have seen destruction by Congress & the Left. TMC ruined your dreams. In the last 70 years, you gave opportunities to everyone but give us 5 years, we will free Bengal from the 70 years of destruction, we will sacrifice our lives for you,” he said, adding that BJP is the “only real party of Bengal”.

West Bengal Legislative Assembly elections are scheduled to be held in eight phases between March 27 and April 29, 2021. The counting of votes will take place on May 2.