Hitting at Congress leader Kamal Nath, Rajya Sabha MP Jyotiraditya Scindia on Wednesday condemned Nath’s “item” remark on BJP Minister Imarti Devi saying that the incident is a reflection of what Congress thinks of women.

“Kamal Nath said he forget her (Imarti Devi’s) name. How can you forget the name of someone who was in your cabinet? Because she’s a woman, a Dalit? Is this his & Congress’s thinking about women? He is full of ego, & people will shatter it,” he told ANI.

Also read: Rahul Gandhi disapproves of Kamal Nath’s ‘item’ remark against BJP MP

Scindia, who defected from Congress to BJP this year, said the former government of Madhya Pradesh was full of corruption and disregarded the promises made to the public during the election.

The 49-year-old politician is currently conducting a series of rallies in the state ahead of by-polls.

Notably, Nath sparked controversy on October 18 during his campaign for the upcoming Assembly election by referring to BJP candidate, Imarti Devi, who was with the Congress till early 2020, as an ‘item’.

By-polls for 28 Assembly seats in Madhya Pradesh will be held on November 3 and votes will be counted on November 10.