In her first comments on the post-poll violence in West Bengal, Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Thursday said that 16 people were killed in the violence and among the dead were an equal number of Trinamool and BJP workers. She made it a point to add that the violence was reported ‘under law and order by EC’.
Announcing compensation of Rs 2 lakh each to families of those killed, Banerjee said, “Those who died in the post-poll violence will be given a compensation of Rs 2 lakhs each without any discrimination. Under law and order by EC, 16 were killed half of whom are from TMC and half from BJP, one was from Sanjukta Morcha”, according to ANI.
Also read: V Muraleedharan curtails Bengal visit after alleged attack, posts video
Addressing a press conference, Banerjee noted that BJP leaders were ‘roaming around in the state and provoking people’. “BJP leaders are roaming around, they are provoking. It’s not even 24 hours of the new government, they are sending letters, teams and leaders are coming. They are actually not ready to accept the mandate. I request them to accept people’s mandate”, she was quoted as saying.
West Bengal has witnessed incidents of post-election violence since assembly elections results were declared on May 2. Trinamool swept the polls, winning 213 of the 294 assembly seats, while the BJP won 77 seats.
Also read: Centre deputes 4-member team to probe post-poll violence in West Bengal
Earlier on Thursday, the Union Ministry of Home Affairs deputed a four-member team to probe the allegations of violence in the state.