Early-bird tickets for the renowned music festival Lollapalooza’s India edition went on sale on Monday night. Camila Cabello, Pearl Jam, Red Hot Chilli Peppers and Imagine Dragons will headline the music fest.
Users took to social media to complain about not receiving tickets purchased through BookMyShow, after which the organisers apologised for the technical “glitch.”
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However, the issue took a new turn 24 hours later when several users reported receiving someone else’s tickets instead of their own. Srishti Das, a Delhi-NCR resident, had reserved “about seven tickets” for herself and her friends.
“I still haven’t received my tickets,” she claims. I received two WhatsApp messages with two different registration numbers that do not belong to me! It’s perplexing and upsetting,” she added.
Another user Twitter user shared a screenshot and claimed to have received tickets to an upcoming music festival despite never having booked any in the first place.
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Rahul Rajan, who “used his social media account to amplify many such voices,” was also perplexed about his tickets. “I can only imagine how stressed someone must be when each ticket costs around 6-7k, and they have purchased multiple tickets, only to discover that the tickets haven’t arrived in their inbox,” he says.
However, the festival’s organisers insist that they have started their last-mile outreach to all attendees to ensure that the situation is made clear. According to a BookMyShow spokesperson, “this exercise will be finished in less than seven days, after which physical tickets will be sent to the delivery addresses, ensuring that only the rightful owner of the ticket will be granted access on-ground.”
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The two-day festival, which is scheduled to take place in Mumbai on January 28 and 29 of next year, is eagerly anticipated. The rock bands Pearl Jam, Red Hot Chili Peppers, and Imagine Dragons will perform as the festival’s headlining acts, though the organisers are keeping quiet about this.