Chattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel on Wednesday presented the state budget for the financial year 2022-23. However, what caught people’s attention was a briefcase made of cow dung that he was carrying while walking into the assembly. The 60-year-old entered the assembly holding the square-shaped bag and also posed with it at his office.
See the photos here –
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The budget session of the Chhattisgarh Assembly began on Monday and the state’s budget was tabled in the House on Wednesday.
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During the budget session, the chief minister proposed the restoration of the old pension scheme for government employees.
“Rs 2 cr proposed for Chhattisgarh Rojgaar Mission to work on the possibilities of creating new jobs by coordinating the skill development programs,” he said.
He also increased the annual assistance under the Rajiv Gandhi Bhumihin Krishi Majdur Nyay Yojana from Rs 6,000 to 7,000 per annum from the next year.
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On Tuesday, the Opposition BJP had staged a walkout after accusing the state government of not fulling its election promise of regularising contractual and daily wage employees in government departments.
Leader of Opposition Dharamlal Kaushik raised the issue during the Question Hour and sought to know how many people were employed in various categories in the state government departments from January 1, 2019, till January 31, 2022.
Kaushik claimed that the state government had said in its written reply that 20,291 people were given government jobs, whereas Baghel in his recent public speech had claimed that five lakh people were provided jobs.
Baghel in his reply assured that his government is committed to fulfilling its poll promises. However, dissatisfied with the government’s reply, BJP MLAs staged a walkout.