Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday took a dig at the Opposition Congress calling it a confused and divided party that was ‘misleading’ people on the farmers’ issue. He was replying to the motion of thanks to the President’s address in the Lok Sabha. The Prime Minister said there is no alignment in the Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha members of the party. “It is the most divided and confused party. They not only can’t do anything for themselves, they can’t do anything for the country too,” he added.
The party’s lawmakers in Rajya Sabha are willing for discussion and debate, but the same party’s MPs in Lok Sabha follow a different line, he added.
PM Modi said this amid the Congress walkout over the farmers issue. As the Prime Minister spoke about the farmers issue, Opposition benches protested and said that nobody had sought the law. At this the Prime Minister retorted, ” I am very surprised at this new argument. Nobody asked for anti-dowry law or laws against triple talaq, child marriage and fixing age of marriage… but these laws were brought for people’s good.”
Why should we force people to beg for something, he asked. “Those who are disrupting the House are doing so as per a well-planned strategy. They are unable to digest that people are seeing through the truth,” the PM added.
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On the new farm laws, the PM said that after new farm laws came into effect not a single mandi has shut down, nor has the payment of MSP stopped adding that the Opposition was spreading rumours.
“After the implementation of the new farm laws, no mandi has shut, payment of MSP hasn’t stopped…we respect the sentiments of farmers, that is why our ministers are in constant talks with them,” PM Modi said.
“We have already said we are ready for clause by clause discussion, if there is any shortcoming in the law we will look into it,” the Prime Minister said.