A Bengaluru court directed Twitter on Monday to block the handles of the Indian National Congress and its Bharat Jodo Yatra campaign for allegedly violating the copyright of KGF-Chapter 2. The copyright infringement suit was filed by MRT Music, the rights holder of the sound records in KGF-Chapter 2, and alleged that Congres and Bharat Jodo Yatra used soundtracks from the movie on Twitter illegally.
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As part of the lawsuit, MRT music presented a CD in the court which showed side by side the original version and the allegedly illegally synchronised version. The court said that encouraging such violations can cause music producers “irreparable injury”.
“These prima facie materials available before this court at this stage establishes that if same is encouraged plaintiff who is in the business of acquiring cinematography films, songs, music albums etc., will be put to irreparable injury and further same leads to encouraging the piracy at large,” the court said.
Based on the materials the court restrained the defendants from using the copyrighted work owned by MRT music till the next hearing. The case will be next heard at the Bengaluru civil court on Monday, November 21.
“These materials prima facie establish the plaintiff’s copyright in the music system and the same is made out. The court is convinced that the object of granting an injunction would be defeated by delay if a commissioner is not appointed to make local inspection,” the judge said while delivering today’s order.
The Congress, posted a tweet in response saying: “We have read on social media about an adverse order from a Bengaluru court against INC & BJY SM handles. We were neither made aware of nor present at court proceedings. No copy of the order has been received. We are pursuing all the legal remedies at our disposal.”