Superstar Rajinikanth, 70, got his COVID-19 vaccine shot on Thursday in Chennai, his daughter Soundarya revealed. In a tweet, Rajinikanth’s daughter Soundarya posted a photograph of the superstar getting the vaccine shot.
The photo of the actor wearing a mask and taking the jab went viral in no time, with fans sharing it using the hashtag #ThalaivarVaccinated.
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This vaccination also sparked a meme fest on social media, with some fans saying that it wasn’t Rajinikanth who was vaccinated but it’s the other way round.
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Some of the Twitter users, however, asked if he was getting the jab “at home”, unlike the common man who is queuing up for Covid-19 shots.
(Also read: Celebrities who lost their lives to COVID-19)
Rajinikanth’s fans defended him, saying the actor was getting the vaccine shot at a hospital in Chennai and not at home.
The actor’s fans also said that Rajinikanth’s vaccination will encourage common people to get vaccinated.
Rajinikanth, who was to make his political debut this year, backed out in December after a health scare.