According to viewers of the recently released Netflix show ‘Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives,’ actor Ananya Panday during her guest appearance, lifted a line spoken by Khloe Kardashian on her reality show, Keeping Up With The Kardashians.
Ananya is seen getting her makeup done for a shoot in the first episode of the show. Speaking to her team, she tells them how her mother, Bhavana Panday, used to swear excessively when she was young.
“I have grown up around you and papa abusing. When I was young, I thought my name was F*ck* because you all used to say it,” she says, though her mother vehemently denies this.
Viewers of the show were quick to point out, on social media, that in an episode of ‘Keeping Up With The Kardashians’, Khloe says the same thing about her mother Kris Jenner. “My mom cursed so much when we were little, I thought my name was F*ck,” she had said.
‘Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives’ is a show produced by Karan Johar and featured Bhavna Panday as one of the female leads. It started streaming on Netflix on November 27.