Screenwriter Sandeep Srivastava, who was criticised for giving such a short role to actor Kiara Advani in ‘Shershaah‘, said that he did his homework before writing the film. Recently-released ‘Shershaah’ is based on life of Param Vir Chakra awardee Vikram Batra and also shows his love story with girlfriend Dimple Cheema. Sidharth Malhotra and Kiara Advani played the lead in the film.
In an interview with News 18, Srivastava addressed said he spoke to Dimple before he wrote script and he believes that he was able to capture the ‘essence’ of their relationship, considering how little time Dimple and Vikram had actually spent with each other.
Sandeep said during his research, he interacted with Dimple. She told him that Captain Batra and she knew each other for four years but the time they spent together was just about 40 days.
He added, “So I do not think there was a need to add anything. It’s just the right amount. She is a very integral part of Captain Vikram Batra’s life, you cannot tell his story without his relationship with Dimple, and without what he did in the Kargil war.”
In an interview with PTI, Kiara Advani had said that playing the role of Dimple Cheema in ‘Shershaah’ gave her an insight into the sacrifices of the support system of the Indian Army, their families.
“‘Shershaah’ gave me a deeper insight into unconditional love and selfless support. Through the making of ‘Shershaah’ I got to first hand witness the sacrifices of their (armed forces) loved ones, who are the true pillars of support to the men of the Indian Army. “For me, Dimple is an unsung hero, who fought for her love and faced every challenge that came in her personal life with utmost strength,” Advani told PTI in an interview here.
The 28-year-old actor said she was inspired by Cheema, whom she described as the modern-day Indian woman.