After Union Minister Harsh Vardhan’s letter, Yoga guru Ramdev to withdrew his statement on allopathy on Sunday and said he regretted this controversy. Harsh Vadhan earlier on Sunday said that Ramdev’s remarks “disrespect the corona warriors and hurt the sentiments of the country,” news agency ANI reported.
Ramdev said he respects all forms of medical science and added that allopathy has saved lives.
This comes a day after the Indian Medical Association (IMA) demanded action against Ramdev and threatened to book him under the Epidemic Diseases Act.
Also Read | IMA demands action after Ramdev’s remarks on allopathy: Here’s what he said
“I have written a letter to yoga guru Ramdev and asked him to withdraw the objectionable statement. The statement disrespect the corona warriors & hurt the sentiments of the country,” Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan said on Sunday.
After IMA’s statement, Patanjali in a statement said, “Yoga guru Ramdev has no ill-will against modern science, its practitioners; IMA statement being attributed to him false,” PTI quoted
“Lakho logo ki maut Allopathy ki dawai khane se hui hai (Lakhs of people have died after consuming allopathic medicines),” Ramdev in a clip said, according to the IMA’s statement.
Also read: Ramdev’s comments irresponsible: Maha COVID task force member
Ramdev said in the clip the allopathy field of medicine “stupid and diwaliya”. He has earlier accused modern doctors of being “murderers”.
The IMA accused the Patanjali co-owner of “creating a false sense of fear within the public” to market his “illegal and unapproved drugs.”