India’s first Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) General Bipin Rawat died in a chopper crash in Tamil Nadu on Wednesday. The 63-year-old had one more year at the post in his tenure. However, his death means the Narendra Modi-led government will have to chose a successor for the key military post soon.
The government is set to begin the process to appoint the next Chief of Defence Staff with Chief of Army Staff General MM Naravane emerging as the front-runner, PTI reports.
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People familiar with the development on Thursday said the government will draw up a small panel comprising senior commanders from the Army, the Navy and the Air Force.
The panel will be finalised based on recommendations from the three services in the next two to three days and then it will be sent to Defence Minister Rajnath Singh for approval.
Following the approval by the defence minister, the names will be sent for consideration by the Appointments Committee of the Cabinet that will take the final decision on India’s next CDS, those familiar with the development said.
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The duties of the chief are to head the Department of Military Affairs in Ministry of Defence and function as its secretary. To act as the principal military advisor to the defence minister on all tri-service matters. The CDS also functions as the Military Advisor to the Nuclear Command Authority. Hence, General Bipin Rawat has left behind quite a vacuum.
What is the process of appointing a new CDS?
There are no fixed rules for the selection of General Rawat’s successor. The CDS plays a pivotal role in bringing reforms in the armed forces. Hence the government might take into account several factors including merit and experience.
Also read: In Pics | The life and times of Bipin Rawat, India’s first Chief of Defence Staff
Any commanding officer of the three services – Indian Army, Indian Air Force (IAF) and Indian Navy – is eligible for the post. The person holding the post of CDS should not be older than 65.
General Bipin Rawat was appointed as CDS on December 31, 2019 and he took office the next day. As India’s top military officer he also played the tole of the Secretary of the Department of Military Affairs (DMA) in the Defence Ministry, permanent Chairman Chiefs of Staff Committee and the Principal Advisor to the Defence Minister.