Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader and former Karnataka Chief Minister BS Yediyurappa‘s granddaughter Soundarya Neeraj hanged herself on Friday, January 28. She was 30.
The body has been taken to Bowring Hospital for autopsy. She was in her flat in central Bengaluru. The deceased was a practising doctor
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Soundarya has a four-month-old baby. She had shown signs of post-pregnancy depression, according to sources.
Soundarya, a doctor, was the daughter of Yediyurappa’s first daughter Padma. India Today reported that the deceased had a four-month-old baby and had shown “signs of post-pregnancy depression”.
The news has reached the Cabinet and Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai reportedly rushed to the hospital to meet with Yediyurappa and offer his condolences. Further details are awaited.