Bollywood actor Hrithik Roshan, who watched the new film “Wonder Woman 1984” along with his ex-wife Sussane and his two sons, took to his Twitter to appreciate the performance of lead actress Gal Gadot for being the “perfect wonder woman”. The film has been released in India, a day ahead of the US release.
“Just watched WONDER WOMAN. Exhilarating experience. My childhood crush(WW) and my first love( movies) together with the BIG cinema IMAX experience! Doesn’t get any better than this. Thank you @GalGadot for being the perfect WONDER WOMAN. And congratulations to the entire team! (sic),” he wrote.
Replying to his tweet, Gal Gadot wrote, “So glad you enjoyed the movie @iHrithik! Wishing you and yours a happy holiday.”
“Wonder Woman 1984” has been released in India in English, Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu. The film also stars Chris Pine as Steve Trevor, Kristen Wiig as the Cheetah, Pedro Pascal as Max Lord, Robin Wright as Antiope, and Connie Nielsen as Hippolyta.