Delhi Police on Thursday said that it has filed a case against the creators of a toolkit, a document that contains several strategies to support the ongoing farmers’ protest in India, which teen climate activist Greta Thunberg tweeted on Wednesday.
The police added that they haven’t named anybody in the FIR and the case is under investigation. The clarification comes amid media reports that Delhi Police had filed a case of “criminal conspiracy and promoting enmity” against Thunberg.
“We haven’t named anybody in the FIR, it’s only against the creators of a toolkit which is a matter of investigation and Delhi Police will be investigating that case,” said Praveer Ranjan, Special Commissioner of Police (CP), Delhi Police.
Thunberg on Tuesday extended her support for the farmers, who are agitating against the Centre’s three new farm laws on various border points in Delhi since November last year.
The 18-year-old climate campaigner, who has been nominated for this year’s Nobel Peace Prize, shared a news article on Twitter and wrote, “We stand in solidarity with the #FarmersProtest in India”.
She then tweeted the toolkit, which has now become a part of the police investigation.
Amid the controversy, Thunberg on Thursday said she still stands with farmers and “no amount of hate, threats or violations of human rights will ever change that.”
“I still #StandWithFarmers and support their peaceful protest. No amount of hate, threats or violations of human rights will ever change that. #FarmersProtest,” Thunberg tweeted.
Many international celebrities, including American pop star Rihanna, former adult film actor Mia Khalifa and YouTuber Lilly Singh, have come out in support of the farmers’ protest.
Also read: It’s Hollywood Vs Bollywood over farmers’ protest on social media
Thousands of farmers, primarily from the states of Punjab and Haryana, have been camped in various border points around Delhi for over two months in protest against the agriculture reform laws passed during the Monsoon session of the Parliament last year.