At least 60 people died after a suspension bridge in Gujarat’s Morbi district collapsed on Sunday afternoon. Law enforcement officials have said that many people are still trapped under the collapsed structure and the death toll could rise as rescue operations go on.
Shortly after the news of the bridge collapse broke, the Gujarat state government announced a compensation of Rs. 4 lakhs for the kin of those killed in the tragedy. Prime minister Narendra Modi also joined in and announced a package of Rs. 2 lakh for each.
Also read: Gujarat: Bridge collapse in Morbi leaves at least 40 dead
Here’s a video of the collapsed bridge.
Reports say that a five-member Special Investigation Team (SIT) has been formed to investigate the disaster. It will comprise one IAS office from the municipality level, one chief engineer to check quality control a structural engineer, the secretary of road and building as well as the IG of CID.
With the Gujarat elections slated to take place in December 2022, PM Modi is on a 3-day visit to the state. India Today reports that he has instructed the state administration and emergency officials to speed up the rescue process.
A tweet from the Prime Minister’s office said that PM Modi is closely collaborating with Gujarat CM Bhupendra Patel so that the rescue operations can be carried out smoothly.
“PM @narendramodi spoke to Gujarat CM @Bhupendrapbjp and other officials regarding the mishap in Morbi. He has sought urgent mobilisation of teams for rescue ops. He has asked that the situation be closely and continuously monitored, and extend all possible help to those affected,” the tweet from PMO said.
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“Due to the bridge collapse, several people fell into the river. A rescue operation is underway. There are reports that several people have suffered injuries. They are being rushed to hospitals,” local MLA and Minister of State, Labour and Employment, said in a statement to the media.