Union Minister Hardeep Puri, on Tuesday, received the three swaroops of the Shri Guru Granth Sahib that arrived from Afghanistan along with 44 evacuees, at Delhi airport. Puri was accompanied by Minister of State for External Affairs V Muraleedharan and Bharatiya Janata Party leader RP Singh. 

“Blessed to receive and pay obeisance to three holy Swaroop of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji from Kabul to Delhi a short while ago,” Hardeep Puri tweeted. 


The Guru Granth Sahib is the main religious scripture of Sikhs. A ‘swaroop’ is a copy of the holy book. The original copy is believed to be placed at Gurdwara Thum Sahib.

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As per a statement by one of the people who brought the three swaroops of Sri Guru Granth Sahib from Kabul to India, the evacuees left Afghanistan yesterday. 

“I thank PM Modi, the Indian embassy & the Indian Air Force who helped us a lot,” Sardar Dharmendra Singh said, as per ANI. 

Also read: 8 flights, 730 passengers: India’s mission evacuation from Kabul nears completion

President of Delhi Sikh Gurdwara Management committee Manjinder Singh Sirsa, who also present on the occasion, said, “I request PM & HM to amend CAA and extend the cut-off date from 2014 to 2021 so that people coming from Afghanistan get benefitted & lead a safe life here and their children are able to study here.”

“I want to start by thanking PM who made it possible to carry out these rescue ops to bring our brethren who are in difficult circumstances there (Afghanistan). Arrangements also being put in place for the remaining people. We’re in constant touch with them,” Hardeep Puri told ANI. 

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The three swaroops will be taken to Guru Arjan Dev Ji Gurdwara in the New Mahavir Nagar area of Delhi.

“Three Sri Guru Granth Sahib are being escorted to IAF aircraft at Kabul Airport. 46 Afghan Hindus and Sikhs along with stranded Indian nationals are blessed to return on the same flight,” Hardeep Puri said in a tweet.