Holi is here, and everyone is ecstatic. The vibrancy, the colours, and the festivities.
But just because we know what Holi is and how it’s celebrated doesn’t guarantee that everyone else does. The worst part is when animals are forced to participate in our “celebrations.”
You’re mistaken if you think Diwali is the only celebration that has an impact on animals. Holi is also physically and mentally hazardous, although in different ways.
Also Read |Myths surrounding Holika Dahan, the festival of colours
Think about animals this year before getting too wrapped up in your festivities and endangering animals who are already scared of the festival.
To begin with, colouring dogs, whether your own or stray, is strictly prohibited. You could believe that dry colours aren’t as harmful to them as permanent colours are. Unfortunately, these dry colours also contain chemicals, metal oxides, lead, mica, and occasionally glass fragments.
These dangerous compounds induce a variety of skin problems and can even be fatal.
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While a human’s body sweats off toxins, dogs’ bodies lack sweat glands, causing them to absorb all of the pollutants.
If a dog’s body is covered with such colours, it may cause skin allergies such as Dermatitis, which can be exceedingly painful. When dogs lick themselves, they inadvertently absorb these colours, which can cause serious digestive problems.
Inflammation of the skin and hair loss are two of the many side effects that these unfortunate folks face.
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Another negative effect that these colours may have on them is respiratory discomfort. The compounds in these colours can obstruct an animal’s nasal cavity, causing breathing problems.
In the case of ‘organic’ colours, even though they are labelled as ‘non-toxic,’ they can cause significant harm to an animal’s health. Their immune system differs from ours in that it is less effective in fighting foreign substances.
Apart from the obvious dangers of coming into contact with unnatural substances, water balloons are also something with which we must exercise extreme caution.
Also Read |Holika Dahan 2022: Date, history and significance
When water balloons are flung around carelessly and forcefully, they can injure those unfortunate souls who seek shelter during such moments.
If the balloons hit a sensitive portion of their body, such as their eyes, they may lose their vision.
Also, since we’re on the subject of water, please don’t use any this year. The simple fact is that freshwater is already in short supply, and we may run out in the next years. The other issue is that during Holi, street dogs drink colour-infused water, which does substantial harm to their health. Such chemicals can cause liver failure and possibly death if consumed.
Also Read |Holi 2022: Tips to protect your eyes from colour
And if it’s not the items we use to celebrate Holi, it’s the drinks and foods we consume during the festival that can be hazardous to animals.
People who are inebriated lose their ability to think sensibly and, in the spirit of the festival, forget quite obvious things.
Bhaang is on the prohibited list for animals, despite the fact that it is an important component of our celebration. During Holi or at any other time, no animal should be fed any. It can make them feel a lot of pain, which could lead to death.
When it comes to animals, sweets are likewise a no-no. Their bodies aren’t like ours, and they can’t break down complex foods like sugar and fat in the same way we do. Chocolate, cheese, raisins, and other foods are known to make dogs sick.
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In the event that your own dogs have been subjected to such abuse, please make sure that you clean them with nothing but water. Do not use spirits or anything else to remove the colours from their body, as this can be highly damaging for them.
Last but not least, if you see a dog in need during the event, please do not hesitate to contact the authorities, as you may be able to save its life.
Also Read |Holi 2022: Ways to celebrate festival of colours in an eco-friendly way
NGOs may come in handy if you’re unsure who to contact. Let’s make our events safe for individuals who don’t know what they’re talking about.