Lok Janshakti Party (LJP) chief Chirag Paswan congratulated Janata Dal (United) chief Nitish Kumar for being sworn-in as Bihar’s Chief Minister for a fourth consecutive term. Taking a swipe at his former ally, Pawan said, he hoped “(Kumar’s) government will complete its term and he’ll continue as NDA’s CM.”
Kumar left the NDA in 2013, resigned in 2014 and came back to power in 2015 in alliance with the Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD). He switched back to the NDA in 2017.
In another tweet, Paswan said he was sending a copy of the LJP’s manifesto to Kumar so that he could work on some of the promises made in it.
“Once again I congratulate you on becoming chief minister and the BJP on making you one,” Paswan tweeted along with a link to his party’s election manifesto.
LJP could secure just one seat in the recently concluded Bihar assembly election.
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RJD leader Tejashwi Yadav too congratulated Kumar, adding that he hoped instead of ambition for the CM’s chair, the Bihar CM would work to fulfill NDA’s election promises.
Also read: Fifth-time MLA, BJP’s Renu Devi takes over as one of the two deputy CM’s of Bihar
RJD had boycotted Kumar’s swearing-in ceremony on Monday. The party won 75 seats and emerged as the single-largest party in the Bihar assembly polls.