Bollywood actor Anushka Sharma, who is going to be a mother soon, has kept her fans hooked by rocking her everyday maternity fashion for the last eight months. However, we can undoubtedly say that the key to her stunning outfits is the white sneakers she pairs with her clothes.
In mid-October, the 32-year-old actor posted a picture on her Instagram wearing a cute and comfy peach jumpsuit with white sneakers. “Pocketful of sunshine,” she captioned her post.
Take a look:
Sharma was also spotted wearing a short yellow ethnic dress in November, not-so-surprisingly with the same style of white sneakers.
Not to forget that the ‘Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi’ actor is quite a statement-maker when it comes to white sneakers. From the classic slims to the wide kicks, she loves them all.
Sharma and her husband Virat Kohli announced their pregnancy on August 27, 2020. She is expected to become a mother this month.
The actor recently lashed out at paparazzi for clicking pictures and invading their privacy. In an Instagram story, Sharma posted a publication’s post and name-called them for doing the opposite of what she had requested them to do, respect their privacy.
“Despite requesting the said photographer and the publication, they still continue to invade our privacy. Guys! Stop this right now!” she wrote.