“In an astonishing incident, hundreds of passengers who arrived at Buxar from Pune-Patna train ran out of the railway station in a rout-like situation. The video of people, some carrying young children went viral as the crowd wanted to avoid COVID test.u00a0. Chief Minister Nitish Kumar recently decided to start COVID testing in all Bihar railway stations in a bid to increasing testing and tracking. But the situation from Buxar railways station speaks differently about people’s support in the state’s fight against COVID-19.u00a0. Also Read: India records over 200,000 COVID-19 cases, third day in a row. Here’s a video shared by an NDTV journalist showing people running out of the station in panic:. Also Read: ICSE defers board exams for class 10 and 12, new dates to be announced in June. Trains carrying huge amount of daily workers from COVID-19 hit cities like Mumbai, Pune and Delhi have been arriving daily in the state due to lockdown fears and joblessness because of huge numbers of COVID cases being registered in those cities, leading to lockdown-like situation in many cities across India.u00a0. #Bihar #covid19 #Covidtest #Railways #MigrantWorkers #Migrants #Maharashtra #Delhiu00a0.”