Sharing an adorable childhood memory on social media, Bollywood actor Karisma Kapoor on Sunday congratulated her sister Kareena Kapoor Khan on becoming “mama” once again. Notably, Kareena and her husband Saif Ali Khan welcomed their second child, a baby boy, earlier in the day. 

The picture Karisma shared on her Instagram handle featured her as a smiling child along with her father Randhir Kapoor, who can be seen holding newly born Kareena.

Also read: Its a boy! Wishes pour in for Kareena Kapoor Khan, Saif Ali Khan for their second child

“That’s my sis when she was a new born and now she’s a mama once again !! And I’m a masi again so excited #goodwishes #congratulations #alllove,” she captioned her post. 

Kareena, 40, was admitted to the Breach Candy Hospital in Mumbai and gave birth around 9 am on Sunday, her father told PTI.

The Bollywood couple had announced the pregnancy in August, thanking well-wishers for their support. 

Also read: A look at Kareena Kapoor Khan’s fashion journey during her second pregnancy

“We are very pleased to announce that we are expecting an addition to our family! Thank you to all our well wishers for all their love and support,” they said.

Their first child, Taimur Ali Khan, was born on December 20, 2016. The four-year-old has been an internet sensation ever since his birth and is followed by the paparazzi round-the-clock.

Saif, 50, married Kareena in October 2012 after a five-year love affair.