Celebrating the 72nd Republic Day amid the coronavirus pandemic, India on Tuesday showcased its military power and cultural heritage at the historic parade at Delhi’s Rajpath. As the country is also commemorating its victory over Pakistan in the 1971 war that led to the creation of Bangladesh, a 122-member contingent of the Bangladesh armed forces marched at the beginning. The parade also witnessed several major changes. The contingents only marched a distance of 3.5 km instead of the usual 8.5 km and for the first time in 55 years, no foreign dignitary attended the January 26 parade. Spectators below 15 years of age and above 65 were not allowed at the venue. Here are some historic visuals from the Republic Day parade that India will cherish forever.

Lieutenant General Vijay Kumar Mishra leads this year’s Republic Day parade as Parade Commander. (Photo Credit: Twitter/ ANI)
Marching Contingent and Band of Bangladesh Army participate in India’s Republic Day parade. (Photo Credit: Twitter/ ANI)
The main battle tank of the Indian Army, T- 90 Bhishma, commanded by Captain Karanveer Singh Bhangu of 54 Armoured Regiment. (Photo Credit: Twitter/ ANI)
Captain Preeti Choudhary of 140 Air Defence Regiment (Self Propelled) leads upgraded Schilka Weapon system. She was the only woman contingent commander from Army at the parade. (Photo Credit: Twitter/ ANI)
A contingent of the National Security Guard (NSG) also known as the Black Cat Commandoes march down Rajpath. (Photo Credit: Twitter/ ANI)
NCC Girls marching contingent led by Senior Under Officer Samruddhi Harshal Sant of NCC Directorate, Maharashtra. (Photo Credit: Twitter/ ANI)
Flight Lt Bhawna Kanth became the first female fighter pilot to participate in the Republic Day parade.  (Photo Credit: Twitter/ ANI)
Indian Navy’s tableau with the theme of ‘Swarnim Vijay Varsh’ being displayed at the parade.  (Photo Credit: Twitter/ ANI)
The Camel contingent of the Border Security Force under the command of Deputy Commandant Ghanshyam Singh. (Photo Credit: Twitter/ ANI)
Naval Brass Band led by Sumesh Rajan, Master Chief Petty Officer (Musician), playing the Indian Navy Song tune ‘Jai Bharti’ marches down Rajpath. (Photo Credit: Twitter/ ANI)
The Mobile Autonomous Launcher of the Brahmos Missile system, led by Captain Quamrul Zaman. (Photo Credit: Twitter/ ANI)
With the theme of ‘Aatma-Nirbhar Bharat Abhiyan: COVID’ the tableau of the Department of Biotechnology depicts the process of COVID-19 vaccine development.  (Photo Credit: Twitter/ ANI)
Pinaka Multi Launcher Rocket System of 841 Rocket Regiment(Pinaka)being led by Capt Vibhor Gulati. (Photo Credit: Twitter/ ANI)
The display of cultural tableaux began at the parade with Ladakh leading. It was the first-ever tableau of the UT. (Photo Credit: Twitter/@ANI)
Tableau of Punjab showcases the glory of 9th Sikh Guru, Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur. The tableau has the theme ‘400th Birth Anniversary of Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur’.  (Photo Credit: Twitter/ ANI)
Designed after the theme ‘Ayodhya: Cultural Heritage of Uttar Pradesh’, the tableau of Uttar Pradesh also displays Ram Mandir.  (Photo Credit: Twitter/ ANI)
The ‘Trinetra’ formation comprising of three Su-30MKIs – the three aircraft split outwards and upwards, forming a ‘Trishul in the Sky’. (Photo Credit: Twitter/ ANI)
Republic Day parade culminates with a single Rafale aircraft flying at a speed of 900km/hr carrying out a ‘Vertical Charlie’.  (Photo Credit: Twitter/ ANI)