Nine-year-old Reyansh Surani has set a Guinness World Record by becoming the world’s youngest certified yoga instructor.
Surani, who resides in Dubai along with his family, received his certification from the Anand Shekhar Yoga Schoon on July 27 2021, upon completing their 200-hour yoga teacher’s training course.
In an article on the Guinness World Records website, the young instructor shared how he had started practising yoga at the age of four itself. Even prior to that, he used to sit in during his parents’ yoga sessions to watch.
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“I decided to join them and surprisingly found out I enjoy teaching as well,” Reyansh said, recounting the time he found out his parents were attending a yoga teacher’s training course in Rishikesh, India.
The training course at Anand Shekhar Yoga School, which Surani successfully completed, is a four-week-long intensive residential program.
“Earlier I used to think yoga is only about physical posture and breathing, but it’s much more than that,” he said about his learning experience at the academy.
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“I learnt alignment, anatomic philosophy and the nutritional facts of Ayurveda. It’s an intense course.”
The young boy, who is now 10, is taking small private classes due to COVID-19. “The satisfaction or sense of accomplishment” that teaching yoga brings him, is the best part about his work, he shares.
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“I’m happy I can pass on my experience and knowledge to individuals around the world for their wellbeing.”
“I’m the first one in my community and my school to receive this honourable record,” he said.