IPL 2021 started on Friday with a nail-biting match between Mumbai Indians and Royal Challengers Bangalore. The latter clinched the game with two wickets in hand against the 5-time IPL winners. Harshal Patel‘s 5-wicket haul became the talk of the cricket world as he tore MI’s batting line-up into tatters.
Fans across the world were very excited to watch the season opener as it ended in a last ball thriller. RCB skipper Virat Kohli, AB de Villiers, Harshal Patel, Glenn Maxwell, Chris Lynn and Suryakumar Yadav through their performances led the season opener to be a power-packed game.
Twitter was flooded with memes and praises after the match. MI continued the jinx of not winning the season opener since 2013. While fans were amazed to watch Maxwell hit powerful sixes that went as far as Marina Beach in Chennai, they compared his past performance for Punjab too.
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Here are a few tweets expressing fans’ reactions after Friday’s match:
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Cricket fans across the world were amazed to watch the IPL opener on Friday and are hoping to watch more such thrillers in the coming month. MI fans called losing the first match as its strategy and it will be interesting to see if the team takes back the trophy again this year after the Friday defeat.