Actor Kangana Ranaut has now compared herself with actor Aamir Khan after the local passport authority in Mumbai, refused to renew her passport. She took to her social media platform to call the Maharashtra government ‘Mahavinashkari’ and says they are harassing her.

She wrote on Koo, “The Mahavinashkari government (referring to the Maharashtra government) has started my indirect harassment again, my request for passport renewal has been rejected because a roadside romeo called Munawar Ali Sayed filed a sedition case on me by the way the case was almost dismissed by the court yet court rejected my request for passport and the reason given is ‘ my request is vague’ (sic).”

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She also took to her Instagram story to mention that when Aamir Khan had his alleged tiff with the BJP government in the past, he was not harassed. 

“When Aamir Khan offended BJP government by calling India intolerant no one held back his passport to stop his films or shoots in no way he was stopped or harassed. But in my case, I am being harassed and due to my passport being held back I’m unable to travel anywhere (sic),” she wrote.

Kangana’s passport has been denied for renewal by the authorities on the grounds of the FIR filed against her at the Bandra police station on the charges of sedition.

In June last year when actor Sushant Singh Rajput died, Kangana accused the state government of not letting the case be investigated properly. This was followed by the demolition of her office in Bandra by the BMC