Bollywood actor Kangana Ranaut has been at the centre of several controversies recently. From calling out nepotism in Bollywood to challenging Rihanna, she has never shied away from speaking what she feels.

Her war of words with G.O.A.T singer, Diljit Dosanjh was widely talked about and recently, after Twitter removed a few of her tweets for violating its rules, here is what she said:

Kangana threatened Twitter that it would be banned just like the Chinese company TikTok.

Also Read‘Rehanafication’: Actor Randeep Hooda shares clip of Kangana Ranaut amidst Rihanna controversy

Off lately, Kangana has been widely active on social media. In a recent tweet, Kangana said how people were not supposed to mess with someone who is “one of the richest people in their 30s in India, highest-paid actress, arguably the best ever.”

Earlier this week, after Rihanna tweeted about the farmer’s protest, Kangana called her out publicly saying she was a “fool”. 

She said, “She hasn’t released a single song in 5 years, sells make up but looks like she is feeling Corona blues,Forbes estimated incomes are just PR gimmicks big sham,a million or two won’t hurt her right now, also notice in her tweet she did not commit to any opinion just a vague tweet.”

On Thursday, Twitter took down two of the Bollywood actor’s tweets for violating its policies.