Poco has set foot in the Indian market after the successful launch of its first phone Poco F1. Before this, Poco was a side-brand of Xiaomi, but when its model F1 did great in the market, it decided to launch new phones and become an independent brand. Poco launched a new model M3 earlier this month at a starting price of Rs 10,999 and has done great sales in the country in its first sale.
But, if you are looking for other smartphone brands in the similar price range. We have got you covered. Here are the three best phones in the price range of Poco smartphones:
Xiaomi Redmi Note 9 Pro Max is a new smartphone similar to the previous model Note 9 Pro. It has a big 6.67-inch display and a very long battery life with a 5,020mAh battery that lasts for almost a day and a half. It is also powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 720G SoC and has a capable processor that can handle daily tasks very well. It also has a 64MP quad camera and is an amazing feature for the price. The price of this phone starts from Rs 14,999 and offers the best features in this price range.
Realme 7 is the newer version of Realme 6, and it has good update with larger battery and a better primary camera sensor. There is a 90Hz display which makes the screen smooth and fluid. The overall performance of the phone is great with an excellent battery life. Low light photos look good too with less grain, improving the camera compared to Realme 6. At a starting price of Rs 13,999, it offers great value.
Oppo A53 2020 is a great smartphone with features like poco smartphones, it comes with a 6.5 inch touchscreen display and is powered by a 5000mAh battery which lasts more than a day. The phone also supports face unlock feature. The rear camera has autofocus, with a 16-megapixel front camera for selfies. The price of the phone starts at Rs 12,990 and offers quite a lot for the price.
What phone do you think is the best one in below Rs15,000 price range?