Premiered on June 9 on Disney+ Hotstar, Loki, is currently available in two languages, that is, English and Hindi. However, initially, it was announced that the same will be available in four languages %u2013 English, Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu. But before its release, earlier this month, it was told to NDTV that the latter dubbed versions of Loki, that is, Tamil and Telugu, have been postponed indefinitely.

Also read: Loki release schedule: When is episode 4 airing on Disney Plus?

According to reports, no specific reasons for the delay were provided by Disney+ Hotstar. The streaming platform simply informed that Loki will release %u201Csoon%u201D in Tamil and Telugu.

Reportedly, the tentative cause behind the delay is the COVID-19 pandemic. Certainly, the lethal virus has taken a toll on global film and TV production. So it is likely that the same has happened in the case of the release of Loki in Tamil and Telugu versions.

Also read: Is Loki a ‘not so negative’ villain?

In times of COVID-19, it is difficult to arrange for dubbing artists in a country like India which was ravaged by the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, editing becomes another issue. Notably, The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt interactive special, Kimmy vs. The Reverend, was delayed in India and several other places as Netflix faced challenges in putting together its localised versions on time. Seemingly, the same applied to Disney+ Hotstar’s Loki.

Loki premieres every Wednesday at 12:30 pm IST on Disney+ Hotstar. As of now, in India, Loki is available in English (via Disney+ Hotstar Premium) and Hindi (via Disney+ Hotstar VIP). If in case Loki arrives in Tamil and Telugu, you will require a Disney+ Hotstar VIP subscription that costs Rs. 399 a year. Notably, Disney+ Hotstar Premium has access to all benefits under Disney+ Hotstar VIP.

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