Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday addressed the nation in the first episode of this year’s “Mann Ki Baat”. PM Modi’s address coincided with Mahatma Gandhi’s death anniversary; hence instead of its usual starting time of 11am, it commenced at 11.30am.
During his address, PM Modi spoke on various topics, including receiving one crore postcards from the youth of the country and Collarwali tigress who recently passed away.
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Here are the key highlights of PM Modi’s ‘Mann Ki Baat’:
1. PM Modi urged the citizens of the country to visit the National War Memorial in New Delhi. “We have seen the ‘Amar Jawan Jyoti’ near India Gate and the flame at the nearby National War Memorial have been merged into one,” he said.
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2. The Prime Minister talked about receiving one crore postcards from the youngsters of the country, which shed light on their dreams of India on the country’s 100th year of independence. He read out some postcards that he received from various parts of the country, including Prayagraj and Goa, among others.
3. PM Modi said he also received as many as 75 postcards from Croatia on the occasion of the 75th year of India’s independence – Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav. These postcards were sent to him by the students of Applied Arts and Design in Croatia’s Zagreb.
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4. PM Modi talked about a Tamil Nadu woman named Tayammal, who donated Rs 1 lakh to a school, from the money she saved by selling coconut water.
5. He also lauded a 24-year-old Manipur youth, named Thounaojam Niranjoy Singh, who made a record of doing 109 push ups in a minute.
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6. Further, he talked about an open synthetic track and astro turf football stadium coming up in Ladakh, which has also received certification from the FIFA. He said the venue will be constructed at a height of over 10,000 feet and will be the largest open stadium in the Union territory that can accommodate as many as 30,000 spectators at a time.
7. The Prime Minister also remembered the famous Collarwali tigress, who recently passed away at the Pench Tiger Reserve in Madhya Pradesh.