After a video went viral on social media where a senior IPS officer is seen beating his wife, the Madhya Pradesh government relieved the officer of his duties. Purushottam Sharma, a 1986 batch IPS officer, is seen thrashing his wife while pinning her down after she allegedly caught him red-handed at the flat of a regional TV news channel’s news anchor.

The state’s home department under-secretary Annu Bhalavi issued a showcause order to Sharma, in which she said, “Two videos related to you went viral on social media in which prima facie you are seen engaging in immoral behaviour and domestic violence with your wife.”

He was removed from the post of Director Public Prosecution and was transferred to the state secretariat without any post assigned to him. 

Married for 32 years, Sharma said that if he has done anything wrong, why his wife, his son’s mother was living with him for so long and taking money from him since ’12 to 15 years and going on foreign trips.’

After the video went viral on social media, Sharma on Monday said, “After enjoying so much comfort in life, she has an obligation towards her family, to save its reputation.”

“This is a family matter, not a crime…I am not a criminal,” Sharma told reporters.

“My wife stalks me wherever I go. I am dealing with this,” the IPS officer said, adding there is no place to a fight in a family.

Earlier in the day, MP CM Shivraj Singh Chouhan said the IPS has been relieved of his duties over the incident. “The officer has been relieved of his duties. Action will be taken against anyone who holds a responsible position, but indulges in illegal activities and taking law into his hands,” the chief minister said.

Sharma’s son Parth, a deputy commissioner in the Income Tax Department, sent the video to state Home Minister Narottam Mishra and some senior bureaucrats and requested that a complaint be registered against his father.

“Your actions are in violation of the All India Services rules and therefore, you are directed to give your clarification on why disciplinary action should not be taken against you for your acts,” it said.

The government has asked Sharma to submit his reply by 5.30 pm on Tuesday, failing which it will be construed that he doesn’t have any response to file and accordingly action will be initiated against him, the order said.