Maha Shivratri, also known as the “Great Night of Lord Shiva,” is an annual Hindu festival in which worshippers honour Lord Shiva by praying and fasting. It is observed on the 13th or 14th night of Krishna Paksha (the waning phase). The celebration focuses on interior contemplation of one’s spiritual advancement rather than external rejoicing.
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Maha Shivratri is a prominent festival commemorating Shiva and Shakti’s marriage. According to Hindu legend, Lord Shiva and Mata Parvati were married on this day. Maa Parvati represents Prakriti or nature, and Lord Shiva represents Purusha or awareness. The union of intellect and energy promotes creation. This holiday also serves as a reminder to persevere in the face of adversity and ignorance.
This auspicious day is surrounded by several traditions, one of which asserts that Lord Shiva performs his cosmic dance of creation, preservation, and destruction on this night. This dance is known as ‘tandava’ among its devotees. Another legend believes that praying to Lord Shiva on this night can assist one in conquering and letting go of their wrongdoings, allowing them to embark on the path of righteousness. Fasting on this day is also said to bring good fortune.
Also Read | Maha Shivratri: 10 things to know before you perform the grand puja
Celebrate Maha Shivratri this year by sending these wishes to your loved ones:
On this holy occasion of Maha Shivaratri, I wish that your prayers are answered, and you be blessed with good fortune and good luck!
May all your wishes come true, and the blessings of God remain with you always. Happy Maha Shivratri!
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This morning bring a positive change in your life. Celebrate the day with full devotion. Happy Maha Shivratri to you!
Om Namah Shivay! May the blessings of Lord Shiva remain with you throughout your life. Happy Maha Shivratri!
May you and your loved ones are always surrounded by the love and blessings of Lord Shiva. Warm wishes on Maha Shivratri to you.