The government of Maharashtra, led by CM Uddhav Thackrey, on Wednesday, eased some COVID-19 restrictions in the state. In major announcements, restaurants and hotels have been allowed to operate till 10 PM as Mumbai local train services will start from August 15 for people who have taken both doses of the coronavirus vaccine.
The COVID-19 scenario in parts of Maharashtra has improved compared to previous months. As of August 11, the case recovery rate in the state stood at 96.82%, PTI reported.
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Maharashtra on Wednesday reported 5,560 new coronavirus positive cases and 163 fatalities, taking the caseload in the state to 63,69,002, while the death toll reached 1,34,364, a health official said. The number of recoveries now stands at 61,66,620, leaving the state with 64,570 active cases.
Here are the revised guidelines in Maharashtra:
1) Shopping malls and restaurants to remain open till 10 PM with a 50% capacity from August 15 onwards, provided the entire staff is fully vaccinated against COVID-19.
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2) Shops are also allowed to operate till 10 PM.
3) Spas and gymnasiums will also be allowed to function till 10 PM at a 50% capacity on the condition that the entire staff at these establishments has taken both doses of the vaccine.
4) Those visiting the shopping malls will also have to carry the final vaccination certificate.
5) Yoga centres and salons will also be allowed to remain open till 10 PM.
6) Indoor sports activity will be allowed.
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7) Cinema halls and places of worship will continue to remain shut until further orders.
8) Weddings in open spaces will be allowed with 200 people, while events can take place in closed halls with 100 people or at a 50% capacity of the venue or whichever is less.
9) Holders of the final vaccination certificate approved by the designated authority will be given a railway pass to travel in local trains in Mumbai. Railway ticket-checkers have been authorised to demand the verified copy of the final vaccination certificate and identity card from passengers.
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10) Private offices whose employees are fully vaccinated have been allowed to keep their offices functional at a full capacity but they have to stagger the work hours and keep 25% strength at one time.
The state task force on COVID-19 is not in favour of opening schools and colleges from August 17. Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray is scheduled to meet members of the task force to take a final decision.