The Masaurhi Assembly constituency has been bagged by Rashtriya Janata Dal. The Election Commission declared that Rekha Devi of the Rashtriya Janata Dal had won by a margin of 32161 votes. In the 2015 Bihar Assembly elections, Rekha Devi of Rashtriya Janata Dal won in this seat by defeating Nutan Paswan of HAMS by 32161 votes. In the 2020 Bihar state Assembly elections, the voter turnout here was 58.4%. In 2015, this seat registered a turnout of 57.71% while it was 52.15% in 2010.
Here are a few details about the Masaurhi Assembly seat
Name of the assembly constituency: Masaurhi
District: Patna
Polling date: October 28, 2020
2020 winner: Rekha Devi (RJD)
2020 runner up: Nutan Paswan (JD-U)
Winning margin: 32161 votes
2015 winner: Rekha Devi (RJD)
2015 runner up: Nutan Paswan (HAMS)
Winning margin in 2015: 39,186 votes